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Electronic Language International Festival

The Festival Internacional de Linguagem Eletrônica (FILE; English: Electronic Language International Festival) is a New media art festival that usually takes place in three different cities of Brazil: São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Porto Alegre and it has also participated in others events around the world. It is the biggest art & technology festival in Brazil, and it serves as a lead indicator of the plurality of the work created in the interactive art field not only nationally but also internationally.

FILE is organized by a non-profit group whose purpose is to disseminate and to develop culture, arts, technology and scientific research. Its first edition was in 2000. The 17th edition in 2016 brought together 330 works by international artists working in the field of art and technology. Admission to the FILE exhibition is free.

The FILE festival is split in different areas of interest, although some overlap and sub-categorization occurs. The main groups of interest are:

