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Translations of
English one-pointedness,
unification of mind
Pali ekaggata
Sanskrit ekāgratā
Chinese 一境性
Glossary of Buddhism

Ekaggatā (Pali; Sanskrit ekāgratā, एकाग्रता) is a Buddhist term translated as "one-pointedness" or "concentration". Ekaggatā is defined as a mental factor that has the function to focus on an object.

Ekaggatā is identified within the Buddhist teachings as:

Bhikkhu Bodhi states:

Bhikkhu Bodhi also explains that at the level of profound concentration (i.e. in the jhanas), it manifests as peace, and its proximate cause is happiness.

Nina van Gorkom explains:

The Atthasālinī (1, Part IV, Chapter 1. 118, 119) states about ekaggatā (in the context of sammā-samādhi):

Ajahn Sucitto explains:

