In numerical analysis, one of the most important problems is designing efficient and stable algorithms for finding the eigenvalues of a matrix. These eigenvalue algorithms may also find eigenvectors.
Given an n × n square matrix A of real or complex numbers, an eigenvalue λ and its associated generalized eigenvector v are a pair obeying the relation
where v is a nonzero n × 1 column vector, I is the n × n identity matrix, k is a positive integer, and both λ and v are allowed to be complex even when A is real. When k = 1, the vector is called simply an eigenvector, and the pair is called an eigenpair. In this case, Av = λv. Any eigenvalue λ of A has ordinary eigenvectors associated to it, for if k is the smallest integer such that (A - λI)kv = 0 for a generalized eigenvector v, then (A - λI)k-1v is an ordinary eigenvector. The value k can always be taken as less than or equal to n. In particular, (A - λI)nv = 0 for all generalized eigenvectors v associated with λ.