Edmond Couchot is a French digital artist and art theoretician.
Couchot is a Doctor of aesthetics in the visual arts. From 1982-2000 he headed the department of Arts and Technologies of the Image at the University Paris VIII. He continues to take part in speculative and hands-on study of digital imagery and virtual reality at University Paris VIII.
As a theoretician Dr. Couchot is interested in the connection between art and technology, in particular between the visual arts and data-processing techniques. He has published approximately 100 articles on the digital and 3 books.
As a visual artist Dr. Couchot formed cybernetic devices requiring the participation of the spectator in the 1960s. He has extended his investigate with digital interactive art and has been involved in numerous international digital art exhibitions.
actes du colloque La pensée de l’image, revue Littérature, 1994.
« The Automatization of Figurative Techniques: towards the Autonomous Image », in Media Art History (titre provisoire), MIT Press, EU.
A tecnologia na arte. Da fotografica à realidade virtual, (traduction en portugais par Sandra Rey de La technologie dans l’art. De la photographie à la réalité virtuelle), 2003, Universidade federal do Rio Grande do Sul, 319 pages.
Réédition en 2005, chez le même éditeur, collection "Champs".
Ces œuvres (in progress) ont subi de très nombreuse modifications depuis leur origine et ont fait l'objet des expositions suivantes
et multisensorielles (Boulogne-Billancourt ; France)
La Maison Européenne de la Photographie a acquis l’œuvre Je souffle à tout vent, en septembre 2001.