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Duvale is a historic estate in the parish of Bampton, Devon. It is situated on a narrow flat plain in the steep-sided valley of the River Exe, 1 1/2 miles south west of the town of Bampton and 5 miles north of Tiverton, also on the River Exe further downstream. The name, given by Pole (d.1635) as Deu Vale, is said by him to signify "a valley of water". It was until the nearby construction of the present busy A396 road a place of exceptional seclusion and tranquility.

According to the Book of Fees Duvale was one of the member manors of the feudal barony of Bampton, together with Hele(possibly Hele, Clayhanger, Doddiscombe, Hockworthy, Havekareland (possibly Hawkerland, Colaton Raleigh) Legh (Lea Barton, Hockworthy)

Duvale was held by a branch of the ancient Dennis family of Orleigh. Pole states Deu Vale to have been held in 1242 by "Robert le Dennys".

After the Dennis family, Duvale was held by a branch of the ancient Cruwys family of Cruwys Morchard. Pole states Deu Vale to have been the dwelling in 1295 of "John Crewes".

During the reign of Queen Elizabeth I (1558-1603) Duvale was purchased from the heir general of the Cruwys family by Thomas Tristram. Writing in about 1630 Pole stated of the first Tristram of Duvale "whose posterity contynewe theire dwellinge in the same place". An old mansion near Bampton Castle, called Castle Grove, was another nearby residence of the Tristram family, who according to Lysons (1822) probably purchased it from the Bourchiers, feudal barons of Bampton. In 1822 the site of Bampton Castle was the property of Robert Lucas, heir to the Tristram family. A mural monument to John Tristram (1668-1722) exists in Bampton parish church, inscribed as follows:

On the escutcheon above are shown the arms of Tristram (Argent, three torteaux a label of three points azure a chief gules) impaling Stucley (Azure, three pears or) and Southcombe (Argent, a chevron ermines between three roses gules seeded or barbed vert

