In ancient Egyptian religion, Duamutef is one of the Four Sons of Horus and a protection god of the canopic jars. Commonly he is said to be the son of the god Horus the Elder (Heru-ur) and a goddess of medicine and magic (either Isis or Serqet). There is another myth that describes Duamutef and his brothers as sons of Osiris. According to this myth, they were born from a lily flower that arose from the primaeval ocean.
The name Duamutef means "He who adores his mother".
First Duamutef was represented as a human wrapped in mummy bandages. From the New Kingdom he is shown with the head of a jackal. In some cases his appearance is confused or exchanged with that of Qebehsenuef so he has the head of a falcon and Qebehsenuef has the head of a jackal.
Duamutef usually was depicted on coffins and as the lid of canopic jars. Many images of the Judgement of the Dead show him together with his brothers in front of Osiris on a small lily flower.
Together with the three other sons of Horus Imsety, Hapi and Qebehsenuef he protected the mummified internal organs. His duty was to protect the stomach. His protector is the goddess Neith.