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Disa (plant)

Disa cardinalis 250603.jpg
Disa cardinalis
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
(unranked): Angiosperms
(unranked): Monocots
Order: Asparagales
Family: Orchidaceae
Subfamily: Orchidoideae
Tribe: Diseae
Subtribe: Disinae
Genus: Disa
P.J.Bergius 1767

See text.

  • Repandra Lindl.
  • Penthea Lindl.
  • Forficaria Lindl.
  • Gamaria Raf.
  • Herschelia Lindl.
  • Monadenia Lindl.
  • Schizodium Lindl.
  • Orthopenthea Rolfe in W.H.Harvey
  • Amphigena Rolfe in W.H.Harvey
  • Herschelianthe Rauschert
  • × Herscheliodisa H.P.Linder

See text.

Disa is a genus of flowering plants in the family Orchidaceae. It comprises about 182 species. Most of the species are indigenous to tropical and southern Africa, with a few more in the Arabian Peninsula, Madagascar, and Réunion.Disa bracteata is naturalized in Western Australia, where the local name is "African weed-orchid."

The species Disa uniflora is well known as an ornamental. It is a spectacular red orchid known as "The Pride of Table Mountain." Other commonly cultivated species include Disa aurata, Disa cardinalis, Disa crassicornis, Disa racemosa, Disa sagittalis, and Disa tripetaloides. Some of the species are grown only in African gardens.

The genus Disa was named by P.J. Bergius in 1767. It was named after Disa, the heroine of a Swedish legend.

The plants grow from a fleshy tuberous root which is a source of maltodextrins which are used as a sugar substitute. Some species attain a height of 90 cm. The flowers are solitary or arranged in racemes. The petals and the lip are small. The flowers consist essentially of the sepals. The flowers range in color from very light to dark red.

