The Direct Action and Research Training Center (DART) provides training and consultation for its 22 affiliated congregation-based community organizations. Founded in 1982, DART is headquartered in Miami, Florida. As of 2017, DART has 22 affiliated organizations in seven states. Rev. John Aeschbury is the executive director. DART is the fourth largest congregation-based community organizing network in the United States, after the Industrial Areas Foundation, Gamaliel Foundation, and PICO National Network.
In 1977 the United Church of Christ’s Homeland Ministries Board hired John Calkins to organize a senior citizens organization in Miami. Concerned Seniors of Dade helped organize African American congregations in Miami following a three-day riot in 1980. The DART Center was incorporated in 1982 to build a statewide network of congregation-based organizations throughout Florida, and Calkins was hired as executive director. In the 1990s DART was invited to help build organizations in Ohio and Kentucky. Between 2001 and 2016, DART added organizations in Indiana, Kansas, South Carolina, Tennessee and Virginia.
DART has a ten-person board of directors, and five professional national staff.
DART affiliates typically have a broad agenda of issues, including public education improvement, criminal justice reform, healthcare provisions, affordable housing, economic opportunity, accessible public transportation, and immigrants' rights.
DART holds a five-day national leaders workshops once a year for local leaders, and an annual three-day national clergy conference. The DART Organizers Institute, established in 2001, is an annual five-month training program for organizers beginning each year in January and August. Since 1982 DART has trained over 10,000 community leaders and 150 professional organizers.