Dr Dion Angus Forster (born 14 January 1972) is an ordained Minister of the Methodist Church of Southern Africa. He is a theologian [1] and author. He was formerly the Dean of the Seminary of the Methodist Church of Southern Africa, John Wesley College. Dr Forster is the International Chairman of the 'EXPOSED - shining a light on corruption' campaign (a coalition of the World Evangelical Alliance, the Salvation Army, the International Bible Societies, Micah Challenge and Unashamedly Ethical). He teaches Systematic Theology and Ethics, with a focus on Public Theology in the Faculty of Theology at Stellenbosch University.
In 2006 he completed a Doctorate in Theology (neuroscience, identity and theology) at the University of South Africa (UNISA). He also holds the degrees of Master of Theology (2001), and Bachelor of Theology with Honours (Honours degree) (1997), from Rhodes University. He is currently engaged in Post Doctoral studies at Radboud University Nijmegen, working towards a second PhD with a focus on the concepts of forgiveness and reconciliation in South Africa.
He has taught Systematic Theology, New Testament and Ethics at John Wesley College, Ethics and Systematic Theology at the University of South Africa (UNISA), and New Testament at the University of Pretoria. He is currently on the full-time faculty of Stellenbosch University where he teaches Systematic Theology, Ethics and Public Theology.