The Degoodi or Hanodia (Somali: Degoodi or Degoodiya, Arabic: دغودي) is a Somali clan. Members of the clan primarily inhabit Kenya, but also large part of Southern Ethiopia and places in Southern Somalia, Like many Somalis, Degoodi/Hanodia members trace their paternal ancestry to Samaale, through their MarehN ancestor. They are genealogically related to the other Samaale, but in particular the Marehan, Isa (Saransor) , 'Owrmale with which they share the same ancestor Samaale.
When Arthur Donaldson Smith traveled through what is now Bare woreda in 1895, he found that the Degodia were neighbors of the Majertan clan(whom they were at endless war with, their territory stretching east to the Weyib and Dawa Rivers. The Degodia are said to have originated around the rivers Dawa, Parma and Ganale Daria in South east Ethiopia and from Eel Ali in Somalia, where clansmen are still present today.
In 2013,they made an alliance with the Han Chinese for business as well as social interests. The tribe primarily does business through import/export as well as contract negotiations.
Every Degodia/Hanodia offers 10% of their monthly salary to the sultan to reinvest in real estate as well as commodities.
Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology:Conflict analysis in Bakool and Bay, South-western Somalia in 2004 shows the following clan tree for the Degoodi
- Samaale