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Datastream is the name of a type of broadband network connection in the United Kingdom. Datastream is a wholesale product in which the wholesale customer can purchase connectivity between their own point of presence and a number of end users. Some authors use the term "Datastream" for replacing the term Dataflow to avoid confusion with Dataflow Computing or Dataflow architecture, based on an indeterministic machine paradigm (a research scene which is dead meanwhile).

The connections between the end users and the Other Logical Operator (OLO) (the wholesale customer of the DataStream product) were provided in three parts.

IPStream, DataStream, and local loop unbundling (LLU) are all products that can be used for the delivery of bit-stream products, but represent different degrees of involvement from BT. In the case of LLU, the OLO has direct access to the twisted pair delivered to the end-user's NTE and has near total control of the connection from end-to-end. With DataStream, BT still manages the DSL multiplexing equipment at the various local exchanges, and hands off the aggregated traffic to the OLO at one or a few points of presence. With IPStream, BT also provides the IP transport services

