Curvelo is a municipality in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. It is located in the geodesic centre of Minas Gerais, 170 km. north of the capital, Belo Horizonte, and connected to the capital by highways MG 135 and BR 040. Its estimated population is 74.409 inhabitants (2008) and the total area of the municipality is 3,344 kmª. The city lies at an altitude of 633 metres.
Curvelo is also a statistical micro-region with 11 municipalities: Augusto de Lima, Buenópolis, Corinto, Curvelo, Felixlândia, Inimutaba, Joaquim Felício, Monjolos, Morro da Garça, Presidente Juscelino, and Santo Hipólito. The population in 2000 was 141,619 inhabitants in a total area of 13,792.20 km². The population density was 10.27 inhab/km² (2000).
Curvelo titles itself the Gateway to the Sertão (Portal do Sertão), due to its geographical location—the beginning of a drier vegetation—and a drier climate.
It is located on a large raised plain in the centre of the state, where there are no mountain chains. It is between the basins of the São Francisco River, the Rio das Velhas, Paraopeba, Cipó, and Bicudo. Neighboring municipalities are: Corinto, Felixlândia, Inimutaba, Monjolos, Morro da Garça, Presidente Juscelino and Santo Hipólito. The distance to Belo Horizonte is 170 km. Connecting highways are BR-135, coming from the south, and BR-259, east to west.