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Corinne Roosevelt Robinson

Corinne Roosevelt (September 27, 1861 — February 17, 1933) was an American poet, writer, lecturer, and public speaker. She was also the younger sister of former President of the United States Theodore Roosevelt and an aunt of former First Lady of the United States, Eleanor Roosevelt.

Corinne Roosevelt was born on September 27, 1861, at 28 East 20th Street in New York City, the fourth and youngest child of businessman/philanthropist Theodore "Thee" Roosevelt, Sr. (1831—78) and socialite Martha Stewart "Mittie" Bulloch (1835—84). Her siblings were socialite Anna "Bamie/Bye" Roosevelt (1855—1931); President Theodore "T.R." Roosevelt, Jr. (1858—1919); and socialite Elliott Bulloch Roosevelt (1860—94), the father of future First Lady of the United States Anna Eleanor Roosevelt (1884—1962). As an Oyster Bay Roosevelt Corinne was a descendant of the Schuyler family.

Corinne was best friends with Edith Kermit Carow (1861—1948), her brother T.R.'s second wife and later the First Lady of the United States. Theodore Sr. was a supporter of the North during the Civil War, while Mittie supported the South. Mittie's home state was Georgia, and she had moved to New York only because of her marriage to Theodore. Mittie's brothers were members of the Confederate Navy. However, the conflict between Corinne's parents' political loyalties did not prevent her from experiencing a privileged childhood, including the best schools and regular travel, or the formal debut into society expected of the daughters of prominent families.

