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Constantine Dragas

Konstantin Dejanović
gospodin (possibly despot)
Konstantin Dejanović, Kera-Tamara, Kerica, Desislava.jpg
Konstantin Dejanović, Kera-Tamara, Kerica, Desislava
Predecessor Jovan Dragaš
Spouse(s) Unknown
Eudokia of Trebizond
Born before 1355
Died 17 May 1395
Rovine, Romania
Religion Eastern Orthodoxy

Konstantin Dejanović (Serbian Cyrillic: Константин Дејановић;fl. 1365-95) was a Serbian magnate that ruled a large province in eastern Macedonia under Ottoman suzerainty, during the fall of the Serbian Empire. He succeeded his older brother Jovan Dragaš, who had been an Ottoman vassal since the Battle of Maritsa (1371) which had devastated part of the Serbian nobility. The brothers had their own government and minted coins according to the Nemanjić style. His daughter Jelena married Byzantine Emperor Manuel II Palaiologos in 1392. He fell at the Battle of Rovine (17 May 1395), serving the Ottomans against Wallachia, fighting alongside Serbian magnates Stefan Lazarević and Marko Mrnjavčević.

Konstantin's grandson, last Byzantine Emperor Constantine XI, was named after him, and even used the name Dragaš.

Konstantin's father was the despot and sevastokrator Dejan, who had held the Kumanovo-region under the rule of Stefan Dušan (r. 1331-1355). Konstantin's mother Teodora Nemanjić was a half-sister of Dušan. His maternal grandparents were King Stefan Dečanski (r. 1321-1331) and Queen Maria Palaiologina.

