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Conjugation map

In abstract algebra an inner automorphism is a certain type of automorphism of a group defined in terms of a fixed element of the group, called the conjugating element. Formally, if G is a group and a is an element of G, then the inner automorphism defined by a is the map f from G to itself defined for all x in G by the formula

Here we use the convention that group elements act on the right.

The operation xa−1xa is called conjugation (see also conjugacy class), and it is often of interest to distinguish the cases where conjugation by one element leaves another element unchanged from cases where conjugation generates a new element.

In fact, saying that conjugation of x by a leaves x unchanged is equivalent to saying that a and x commute:

Therefore the existence and number of inner automorphisms that are not the identity mapping is a kind of measure of the failure of the commutative law in the group.

An automorphism of a group G is inner if and only if it extends to every group containing G.

The expression a−1xa is often denoted exponentially by xa. This notation is used because we have the rule (xa)b = xab (giving a right action of G on itself).

Every inner automorphism is indeed an automorphism of the group G, i.e. it is a bijective map from G to G and it is a homomorphism; meaning that (xy)a = xaya.

