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Complete group

In mathematics, a group, G, is said to be complete if every automorphism of G is inner, and it is centerless; that is, it has a trivial outer automorphism group and trivial center.

Equivalently, a group is complete if the conjugation map, G → Aut(G) (sending an element g to conjugation by g), is an isomorphism: injectivity implies the group is centerless, as no inner automorphisms are the identity, while surjectivity implies it has no outer automorphisms.

As an example, all the symmetric groups, Sn, are complete except when n ∈ {2, 6} . For the case n = 2, the group has a non-trivial center, while for the case n = 6, there is an outer automorphism.

The automorphism group of a simple group, G, is an almost simple group; for a non-abelian simple group, G, the automorphism group of G is complete.

A complete group is always isomorphic to its automorphism group (via sending an element to conjugation by that element), although the reverse need not hold: for example, the dihedral group of 8 elements is isomorphic to its automorphism group, but it is not complete. For a discussion, see (Robinson 1996, section 13.5).

Assume that a group, G, is a group extension given as a short exact sequence of groups

