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Colangüil Batholith

The Colangüil Batholith is a group of plutons in western Argentina between the latitudes of 29 and 31° S. The plutons of the batholith were emplaced and cooled in the Late Paleozoic and the Triassic. Runs in a north-south direction. The plutons of the batholith are intruded into volcanic rocks produced by the same plutons plus some earlier deformed basement. The most common rocks in the batholith are granodiorite, granite and leucogranite. The batholith contains also a dyke swarm of north-south trending dykes. Compared to other subduction-related batholiths around the Pacific Ocean Colangüil Batholith is more felsic.

Together with the Chilean Coastal Batholith and the Elqui-Limarí Batholith the Colangüil Batholith is a remnant of the volcanic arcs that erupted the volcanic material of the Choiyoi Group.

The batholith is made up six mayor units:

