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Code page 950

Code page 950 is Microsoft's implementation of the de facto standard Big5. The code page is not registered with IANA, and hence, is not a standard to communicate information over the internet. The major difference between code page 950 and Big5 is the incorporation of some ETEN characters at F9D6-F9FE (碁, 銹, 裏, 墻, 恒, 粧, and 嫺) and 34 box drawing characters and block elements. It was updated in 2000 with the addition of the euro sign (€), at 0xA3E1. This update is called Code page 1370 by IBM (as IBM did not change Code page 950), but Microsoft Windows refers to it as a Code page 950 update.

This mapping is also used in HKSCS where a given glyph is not yet found in the Unicode revision specified.

