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Box-drawing character

Box-drawing characters, also known as line-drawing characters, are a form of semigraphics widely used in text user interfaces to draw various geometric frames and boxes. In graphical user interfaces, these characters are much less useful as it is much simpler to draw lines and rectangles directly with graphical APIs. Box-drawing characters work only with monospaced fonts; however, they are still useful for plaintext comments on websites.

Used along with box-drawing characters are block elements, shade characters, and terminal graphic characters. These can be used for filling regions of the screen and portraying drop shadows.

Unicode includes 128 such characters. In many Unicode fonts only the subset that is also available in the IBM PC character set (see below) will exist, due to it being defined as part of the WGL4 character set.

The hardware code page of the original IBM PC supplied the following box-drawing characters, in what DOS now calls code page 437. This subset of the Unicode box-drawing characters is thus far more popular and likely to be rendered correctly:

Their number is further limited to 22 on those code pages that replace the 18 "single/double hybrid" characters for other, usually alphabetic, characters (such as code page 850):

Note: The non-double characters are the "thin" ones (U+2500, U+2502), not the "wide" ones (U+2501, U+2503).

On many Unix systems and early dial-up bulletin board systems the only common standard for box-drawing characters was the VT100 alternate character set. The escape sequence Esc ( 0 switched the codes for lower-case ASCII letters to draw this set, and the sequence Esc ( B switched back:

