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Claudio Stampi

Dr. Claudio Stampi is the founder (in 1997), director and sole proprietor of the Chronobiology Research Institute which he runs from his home in Newton, Massachusetts. He is a researcher of the use of short naps in extreme conditions. Born in São Paulo, Brazil of Italian parents, he earned a doctorate in medicine (1977) from the University of Bologna in Italy where he later earned more specialized degrees in neurology and biomedical technologies (1983–84).

Stampi became interested in chronobiology when he noticed that a number of his fellow long distance sail boat racing comrades adopted a systematic polyphasic sleep pattern with minimal impairment. An avid sailor, Stampi participated in two global sail races, including the 1981-2 Whitbread Race, where he served as Chief Scientist and Skipper of the research yacht La Barca Laboratorio; a boat that did not finish the race.

Publications include the following: Why We Nap: Evolution, Chronobiology, and Functions of Polyphasic and Ultrashort Sleep (1992)

