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Clan Maitland

Clan Maitland
Clan member crest badge - Clan Maitland.svg
Motto Consilio Et Animis (By wisdom and courage)
Earl of Lauderdale arms.svg
The Rt. Hon. Ian Maitland
Bt, The 18th Earl of Lauderdale,Viscount of Lauderdale, Viscount of Maitland, Lord Maitland of Thirlestane, Lord Thirlestane and Boltoun, Chief of Maitland, 14th Baronet Maitland.
Seat Thirlestane Castle

Clan Maitland is a Lowland Scottish clan

The name Maitland is of Norman origin and was originally spelt Mautalent, Matulant or Matalan, it translates as "evil genius". It is likely that the Maitlands descend from one of the companions of William the Conqueror who later settled in Northumberland. The name is found on numerous early charters as Matulant, Mautalant and Maltalant. It has been suggested that it was a nickname meaning 'bad' or 'poor wit', however Alexander Nisbet gives Quasi mutilatus in bello which means As if mutilated in war.

During the reign of Alexander III of Scotland, Sir Richard Matulant acquired the lands of Thirleston, Blyth and Hedderwick. He became one of the most considerable barons in the Scottish Borders. He had come into ownership of Thirlestane by his marriage to Avicia, heiress to Thomas de Thirlestane.

Sir William Mautlant de Thirlstane supported Robert the Bruce in the cause of Scottish independence and was present at the Scottish victory at the Battle of Bannockburn in 1314. His son was Sir Robert Maitland who inherited his father's lands as well as receiving a charter for the lands of Letherington near Haddington, from Sir John Gifford in about 1345. He was survived by three sons: John, William and Robert of Shivas. Robert is the ancestor of the Aberdeenshire branch of the Clan Maitland, whose senior line lived at Balhargardy near Inverurie. William's successors were styled as "of Letherington", while the eldest son John became involved in the conspiracies of George Dunbar I, Earl of March who was his kinsman.

William's son, Robert Maitland, surrendered Dunbar Castle to the Earl of Douglas and as a result escaped from being involved in the ruin of his uncle, John. The heir of Sir Robert Maitland was William Maitland of Letherington who received a charter confirming his lands of Blyth, Hedderwick and Tollus.

