These congregations are affiliated with one of the five associations comprising the Ohio Conference of the United Church of Christ. They are listed in order of association.
(CC)--prior to 1957, congregation was member of the Congregational Christian Churches.
(E&R)--prior to 1957, congregation was member of the Evangelical and Reformed Church.
(UCC)--congregation founded after 1957.
(union)--congregation resulting from merger of former CC, E&R, and UCC congregations.
*--indicates congregation endorses the "Open and Affirming" program of the UCC Coalition for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Concerns, a recognized affinity group.
This association is the smallest of the five numerically; headquartered in Columbus, it occupies not only central and southeastern Ohio, but some churches in adjoining parts of West Virginia as well. Despite its small size, it is home to the Conference's oldest congregation, First Congregational in Marietta, established during the first settlements of the Northwest Territory in 1796.
Headquartered in Canton, the association centers around that city and the cities of Akron, Warren and Youngstown, extending up to the southernmost suburbs of Cleveland; however, most of the churches are located in small towns or in the open countryside. Most of its congregations were members of the Southeast Ohio Synod of the E&R Church prior to the UCC merger, having been established in the 19th century by German-Americans from adjoining Pennsylvania. Some of the churches have a reputation of being quite conservative theologically and socially, to the point of some conflict with association, conference, and national leadership. The EOA is the Ohio Conference's largest association, in terms of both membership and number of congregations.