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Charles Field-Marsham

Charles Field-Marsham (born Rupert Charles Field-Marsham) is an entrepreneurial businessman and philanthropist based in Toronto, Canada. He has businesses in both Canada and Africa, spanning Kenya, Ghana, Sierra Leone, Nigeria and Tanzania. He also has offices in Dubai. His philanthropic enterprises focus mainly on education, development and health in Africa.

Charles Field-Marsham was born on 29 January 1968, and is the second son of Rupert Charles Edward Field-Marsham and Marilyn Field-Marsham (née Maughan). He attended Upper Canada College, and McGill University where he obtained a bachelor's degree with distinction in economics and politics.

At the age of 19 and whilst an undergraduate at McGill University, Charles Field-Marsham started his first successful business, Advantage Clothing. After graduating from McGill he joined Credit Suisse First Boston in New York City as a financial analyst From 1993 to 2003 Charles Field Marsham lived in Kenya with his Kenyan wife Rita, during which time he established and acquired several companies. His first move was to open a stock brokerage, Kestrel Capital in 1995, Kestrel Capital has become Kenyas largest brokerage with a market share of 18.5%. He then set up the Panafrican Group in 1997, importing Komatsu industrial equipment and selling across Africa. The company grew rapidly by supplying equipment to the emerging mining operations across Africa. Also in 1997 he bought the Kenya Fluorspar Company, a loss-making state-owned company, and entered into a 20-year lease with the government The mine was to become one of the country's leading foreign currency earners.It has been described as one of the largest and lowest cost producers of fluorspar in the world In 2006 Charles Field-Marsham returned to Toronto and founded Kestrel Capital Management Capital (KCMC), the company provides investment consultancy services to his interests outside of Canada.

