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Charismatic Adventism

Charismatic Adventists are a segment of the Seventh-day Adventist Church that is closely related to "Progressive Adventism", a liberal movement within the church.

Like progressive Adventists, charismatics are typically open to a variety of styles of worship music in church including Contemporary Christian Music.

Adventists commonly believe that speaking in tongues refers to speaking in earthly languages not known to the user, so the user could communicate to those from distant lands, so it is always for a purpose. Not to ecstatic speech or a personal prayer language or similar as practiced by many charismatic and Pentecostal Christians. The 1991 National Church Life Survey in Australia found that approximately 5% of Australian Adventists approve of and/or speak in tongues, whereas 11% have no opinion and approximately 85% disapprove. This was the highest disapproval rating amongst all denominations surveyed.

An Adventist with an acceptance for charismatic experiences could be considered progressive in one sense, particularly because traditional and mainstream Adventist views reject the Pentecostal and charismatic movements.

Although belief "17. Spiritual Gifts and Ministries" of the official 28 Fundamental Beliefs of Adventists affirms that spiritual gifts do continue into the present. Adventists more often limit it to the ability to speak unlearned human languages, or "xenoglossy"; and have generally rejected the form of tongues practised by many charismatic and Pentecostal Christians, described as ecstatic speech or a "personal prayer language".

Supporting this position is Gerhard Hasel, who believed the practice refers to unknown human languages only, and not angelic languages nor ecstatic speech. His document has been frequently cited by Adventists. The Handbook of Seventh-day Adventist Theology takes the position that speaking in tongues refers to "previously unlearned human languages" (xenoglossy), using the experience on the day of Pentecost in Acts 2 as the "criterion" for later interpretation.David Asscherick also believes tongues are xenoglossy only.

