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Combination of
Benzocaine Local anesthetic
Butamben Local anesthetic
Tetracaine Local anesthetic
CAS Number
  • none

Cetacaine is an anesthetic that contains the active ingredients of benzocaine at 14%, butamben at 2%, and tetracaine hydrochloride at 2%. Cetacaine also contains small amounts of benzalkonium chloride at 0.5% and 0.005% of cetyl dimethyl ethyl ammonium bromide all in a bland water-soluble base. Although Cetacaine has been widely used in the medical, but mainly dental field it has yet to be officially approved by the FDA. Cetacaine is produced by the company Cetylite Industries, Inc. and they provide Cetacaine in three methods: liquid, gel, and spray.

Cetacaine is an benzocaine-based anesthetic that that also contains other active ingredients that include butamben and tetracaine hydrochloride. The main use for this drug is to produce anesthesia to mucous membranes to numb and help control the pain in that area. The spray form of Cetacaine is also used to help prevent gagging in the patient. The anesthetic effect of Cetacaine can be expected to take effect in about 30 seconds and last between 30–60 minutes depending on location and application amount. Cetacaine can and has been used for surgeries that include bronchi, ear, esophagus, larynx, mouth, nose, pharynx, rectal, and vaginal procedures. These procedures can include periodontal treatment, pre-probing, pre-scaling/root planning procedures, pre-injection, and laser dentistry.

The dosage should be applied directly to the site where anesthesia is required. The dosage should be modified according to the patient and there has not been a dosage specified for children.

Spray: Cetacaine spray should be applied for only one second and dosage should not exceed an application spray longer than 2 seconds.

Gel: Use a cotton swab to apply 200 mg to the needed area and the dosage should not exceed 400 mg.

Liquid: Apply 200 mg either directly or by using cotton applicator to the location and the dosage should not exceed 400 mg.

Cetacaine acts quickly in about 30 seconds and can last between 30–60 minutes. This is due to benzocaine causing the immediate anesthetic effect, while butamben and tetracaine hydrochloride causes the extended effect of Cetacaine.

The actual mechanism for the onset of anesthesia is unknown, but it is believed that the active ingredients reversibly block nerve conduction therefore causing the numbing sensation. This stabilizes the neuron and prevents signals from being transferred.

The rate of absorption through the skin and after diffusing in and back out of the nerve membrane it is metabolized by plasma cholinesterase and then excreted in urine.

