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Cesar Castellani

Cesar Castellani (died 2 August 1905) was an architect. He was born in Malta. He was attracted by the prosperity of British Guiana and emigrated there in 1860 with a group of Italian priests.

Castellani designed a number of prominent buildings in Guyana, including Brickdam Cathedral; Castellani House, once the Guyana Prime Minister's residence; the Brickdam Police Station; and the New Amsterdam Public Hospital.

He made alterations and additions to the Church of the Sacred Heart on Main Street (1872-1882), which opened in 1861, for the colony's Madeiran labourers.

The design of the Victoria Law Courts, usually credited to Baron Siccama, has Castellani's signature style.

In 1875 he completed the installation of a sunken panelled ceiling of the Parliamentary chamber in the eastern wing of the Parliament Building.

Cesar Castellani died in Georgetown, Guyana on 2 August 1905.

