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Carmelo Torres

Bernardo del Carmen Fregoso Cázares, who worked and lived under the name Carmelo Torres Fregoso (July 16, 1927 in La Barca, Jalisco, Mexico – January 29, 2003 in Caracas, Venezuela) was a matador, businessman, journalist, author and TV producer. He lived in Venezuela from 1952. His first bullfight as "matador" was in Barranquilla, Colombia in 1949 and last in Nezahualcóyotl City, Mexico in 1986. With 37 years of uninterrupted activity this was one of the world's longest careers as a matador.

He was the founder of "Lucy Venetian Blinds" (1952–1982) and manager for Levolor-Lorentzen in South America (1969–1982). He introduced the concept of miniblinds into the South American market with the "Magic Wand"'

From 1960 to 1982 he managed and represented many figures of the world of bullfighting including Luis Miguel Dominguín, Manolo Martínez, Eloy Cavazos, Palomo Linares, Cesar Girón, Ortega Cano, Pepe Cáceres, Ernesto San Román and represented Mexican stockbreeders in Venezuela; Los Martínez, Javier Garfias, San Martin and The Glory. For this work and his friendship with Mexican president José López Portillo and Venezuelan presidents Rafael Caldera and Carlos Andrés Pérez he was also known as "The Bullfighting Diplomat". In 1959 Miguel Aceves Mejía plays the role of a bullfighter named Carmelo Torres in the Mexican hit movie Stray Bullet (Bala Perdida). This shows his fame as a manager of bullfighters. He also was a pioneer on worldwide advertising for bullfighters, in 1966 Carmelo Torres travelled in his first around the world tour loaded with his swords and suits been interviewed in many of his stops ending that travel in Spain, that was the year of the Soccer World Cup in England. During that trip, the slogan for the advertising campaign in the "Dígame" madrilean magazine was "Carmelo Torres, a world tour in order to fight in Spain".

