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Candoluminescence is the light given off by certain materials at elevated temperatures (usually when exposed to a flame) that has an intensity at some wavelengths which can be higher than the blackbody emission expected from incandescence at the same temperature. The phenomenon is notable in certain transition metal and rare earth metal oxide materials (ceramics) such as zinc oxide and cerium oxide or thorium dioxide.

The existence of the candoluminescence phenomenon and the underlying mechanism have been the subject of extensive research and debate since the first reports of it in the 1800s. The topic was of particular interest before the introduction of electric lighting, when most artificial light was produced by fuel combustion. The main alternative explanation for candoluminescence is that it is simply "selective" thermal emission in which the material has a very high emissivity in the visible spectrum and a very weak emissivity in the part of the spectrum where the blackbody thermal emission would be highest; in such a system, the emitting material will tend to retain a higher temperature because of the lack of invisible radiative cooling. In this scenario, observations of candoluminescence would simply have been underestimating the temperature of the emitting species. Several authors in the 1950s came to the view that candoluminescence was simply an instance of selective thermal emission, and one of the most prominent researchers in the field, V.A. Sokolov, once advocated eliminating the term from the literature in his noted 1952 review article, only to revise his view several years later. The modern scientific consensus is that candoluminescence does occur, that it is not always simply due to selective thermal emission, but the mechanisms vary depending on the materials involved and the method of heating, particularly the type of flame and the position of the material relative to the flame.

When the fuel in a flame combusts, the energy released by the combustion process is deposited in combustion products, usually molecular fragments called free radicals. The combustion products are excited to a very high temperature called the adiabatic flame temperature (that is, the temperature before any heat has been transferred away from the combustion products). This temperature is usually much higher than the temperature of the air in the flame or which an object inserted into the flame can reach. When the combustion products lose this energy by radiative emission, the radiation can thus be more intense than that of a lower temperature blackbody which has merely been inserted into the flame. The exact emission process involved varies with the material, the type of fuels and oxidizers, and the type of flame, though in many cases it is well established that the free radicals undergo radiative recombination. This energetic light emitted directly from the combustion products may be observed directly (as with a blue gas flame), depending on the wavelength, or it may then cause fluorescence in the candoluminescent material. Some free radical recombinations emit ultraviolet light, which is only observable through fluorescence.

