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Canadian Conservation Institute

The Canadian Conservation Institute (CCI) is a special operating agency of the federal Department of Canadian Heritage. CCI provides research, information, and services regarding the conservation and preservation of cultural artifacts. Materials and media it handles includes paper, textiles, metals, and glass, as well as electronic media, such as audio tape and compact discs. The CCI offices are located in the Ottawa suburb of Gloucester.

The CCI is recognized as a pioneer and leader in the conservation of cultural heritage in Canada. The CCI supports the heritage community in preserving Canada’s heritage collections so they can be accessed by current and future generations. The CCI is charged with the duty "to promote the proper care and perservation of Canada's moveable cultural heritage, and to advance the practice, science, and technology of conservation."

The CCI originated within the National Gallery of Canada in 1957, as its Conservation and Scientific Research Division under the leadership of Dr. Nathan Stolow. In 1964, the division was granted greater autonomy and became the National Conservation Research Laboratory ("NCRL"). As a result of its success, in 1972 the NCRL was split off from the National Gallery of Canada and was renamed the Canadian Conservation Institute with Dr. Stolow as its first Director General. It now operates as an agency of the federal government of Canada, currently under the auspices of the Department of Canadian Heritage.

The CCI is primarily a research organization, but provides education and services on conservation and restoration-related matters. The CCI now promotes the proper care and preservation of Canada's cultural heritage and to advance the practice, science, and technology of conservation. The Institute has worked closely with hundreds of Canadian museums, art galleries, archives, libraries, historic sites, academic institutions, and other heritage organizations to help them better preserve their collections. The primary role of CCI’s clients is to acquire, conserve, research, communicate, and exhibit permanent heritage collections that are accessible to the Canadian public for purposes of study, education, and enjoyment. As a Special Operating Agency of the Department of Canadian Heritage, CCI has widened its scope of activities and now markets its services and products around the world. The CCI was included amongst other architecturally interesting and historically significant buildings in Doors Open Ottawa, held June 2, 2012.

