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Canadian Children's Rights Council

Canadian Children's Rights Council
Formation 1991
Type non-profit advocacy group
Headquarters Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Official language
English and French
Website canadiancrc.com

The Canadian Children's Rights Council Inc. (French: Conseil canadien des droits des enfants inc.) is a non-governmental organization that is based in Toronto, Ontario, Canada and was founded in 1991. It describes itself as a nonprofit educational and advocacy organization dedicated to supporting the rights and responsibilities of Canadian children and providing critical analysis of governments' policies at all levels of government in Canada.

Despite portraying itself as an organization that works for children's rights, some scholars have described it as more concerned with men's and father's rights.

The organization researches, educates and advocates in the area of the rights and responsibilities of Canadian children. It lobbies the government, intergovernmental and NGOs about the issues related to their mandate, and have testified at Canadian provincial and federal committees and ministerial consultations.

Their website hosts a virtual library of books, position statements, historical and other documents, on subjects such as implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, parental alienation and parental alienation syndrome, infanticide, joint custody following divorce, paternity fraud, corporal punishment, and female sex offenders.

The organization states that their website is the most visited website in Canada on the issues of children's rights and responsibilities.

The organization supports the existence of a national and provincial commissioners on the implementation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. The group opposes corporal punishment including spanking, and promotes the idea of parent training in alternatives. The group's president, Grant Wilson, has stated "he believes women who abandon their babies should be charged with attempted murder...", and that Canada's infanticide law should be repealed, as it devalues the lives of children, violates their rights, and is "a licence for women to kill babies." In both cases he argues that a defense of diminished capacity could be still used in cases involving post partum depression.

