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Cabinet of Egypt

The Cabinet of Egypt (Arabic: مجلس وزراء مصر‎‎) is the chief executive body of the Arab Republic of Egypt. It consists of the Prime Minister and the cabinet ministers.

The government has a leading role in shaping the agenda of the houses of Parliament. It may propose laws to Parliament, as well as amendments during parliamentary meetings. It may make use of some procedures to speed up parliamentary deliberations. The government is responsible only to Parliament, specifically the People’s Assembly.

The People’s Assembly may pass a motion of censure, forcing the resignation of the cabinet. Ministers have to answer questions from Members of Parliament, both written and oral; this is known as Inquiries to the Government Talebat Ihata.

In addition, ministers attend meetings of the two houses of Parliament when laws pertaining to their areas of responsibility are being discussed.

The details of the cabinet's organisation are set down in articles 153 to 160 of the constitution. Article 155 states that the members of the cabinet have to be sworn in when taking office.

The Cabinet shall exercise in particularly the following functions:

Traditionally, the cabinet comprises, in decreasing rank:

The following eligibility conditions must be met constitutionally by all ministers.

The interim cabinet of Essam Sharaf was sworn in on Monday 7 March 2011 by Field Marshal Hussein Tantawi, head of the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces & Minister of Defense. In July 2011, Sharaf fired several ministers although the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (Scaf) said he didn't have that power. On 21 November 2011, the entire Cabinet offered to resign in the face of the second wave of protests. On 24 November 2011, Egypt's military rulers appointed former prime minister Kamal Ganzouri to form a new government. His government resigned on 26 June 2012 after the election of Mohamed Morsi as President of Egypt to make way for the new government.

