CJ Crew are a dance music DJ duo, consisting of Chris Bucknall and John Briely. Other aliases include Big Vin & Hugh Jardon, Chi K Monkey, Chi K Munki, Connie and the Plainsman, Demanche Noir, Muff and the Munchers, Nancy and the Boys, The Orff Ki Ensemble, Pyan Issim, Pynck Hobo, Terry and the Physicist, Umi Ghoulies, and Wine.
CJ Crew have made a number of appearances on Toshiba EMI's Dancemania compilation albums, mainly those of the Speed sub-series, and on several soundtrack albums for the Dance Dance Revolution series and Martial Beat series. Their first appearance on the Dancemania series was on the 2000 compilation of Dancemania Speed 4 with two remix tracks, one being "Change The World" and the other being "Livin' La Vida Loca".
Chris Bucknall also appeared as a keyboardist on Pete Haycock's 1987 album Guitar and Son, and DJ Angel's two albums, Love Thing and Tell Me On Sunday, both issued in Germany in the mid-2000s. John Briley produced a compilation album, entitled Brainwaves, issued in the United Kingdom in 1978.