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C9 Jensen

Nicolaj Jensen
Status Active
Nationality Danish
Current team Cloud9
Role Mid laner
Games League of Legends
Nickname(s) Veigodx, Incarnati0n
Oct 2012 - Jan 2013 Team Solo Mebdi
Jan 2014 - Nov 2014 SK Gaming
May 2015 - Present Cloud9

Nicolaj Jensen, usually known by his in-game name as simply Jensen, is a Danish professional League of Legends player who currently plays in the position of mid lane for Cloud9. In early 2013, Jensen, then known as Incarnati0n, was indefinitely banned from LoL servers and the LCS after allegedly verbally abusing and performing DDOS attacks against other players online. After his ban was lifted, Incarnati0n joined North American LCS team Cloud9, replacing founding mid-laner and strategist Hai on the roster, who had announced his retirement. He has also served as a coach for SK Gaming. He is currently considered one of the best League of Legends mid-laners on the western servers.

