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Broadband Internet access worldwide

Internet users per 100 inhabitants
Source: International Telecommunications Union.
Internet users in 2015 as a percentage of a country's population
Source: International Telecommunications Union.
Number of Internet users in 2012
Source: International Telecommunications Union.
Worldwide Internet users
  2005 2010 2016a
World population 6.5 billion 6.9 billion 7.3 billion
Not using the Internet 84% 70% 53%
Using the Internet 16% 30% 47%
Users in the developing world 8% 21% 40%
Users in the developed world 51% 67% 81%
a Estimate.
Source: International Telecommunications Union.
Internet users by region
  2005 2010 2016a
Africa       2%             10%             25%      
Americas 36% 49% 65%
Arab States 8% 26% 42%
Asia and Pacific 9% 23% 42%
Commonwealth of
Independent States
Europe 46% 67% 79%
a Estimate.
Source: International Telecommunication Union.

Below is a sortable list of countries by number of Internet users as of 2015. Internet users are defined as persons who accessed the Internet in the last 12 months from any device, including mobile phones. Percentage is the percentage of a country's population that are Internet users. Estimates are derived from either household surveys or from Internet subscription data.

Non-countries and disputed areas are shown in italics. All United Nations member states are included, except North Korea. Taiwan is listed as a sovereign country.

