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Brihad Bhagavatamrita

Sri Brihad-bhägavatämåta was written by Srila Sanätana Gosvämé, an eternal associate of Sri Sacinandana Gaurahari. Srila Sanätana Gosvämé is the sovereign monarch of the conclusive truths of devotional service and is always eager to benefit others.

Brihad-bhagavatamrita is a sacred text for followers of Hindu tradition of Gaudiya Vaishnavism. Along with Hari-bhakti-vilasa, it is one of the most important works of Vaishnava theologian Sanatana Goswami. While Hari-Bhakti-Vilasa sets out guidance for Vaishnava behavior and ritual, Brihad-bhagavatamrita contains an analysis of the teachings of Chaitanya from an ontological and metaphysical perspective.

Sri Brhad-bhagavatämåta is divided in two cantos: Pürva-khaëòa, or first, and Uttar-khaëòa, or last. The name of the First Canto is Çré Bhagavat-kåpä-sära-nirdhäraëa khaëòa – Ascertaining the Essence of the Mercy of the Supreme Lord. The Second Canto is known as Çré Golokamähätmya- nirüpaëa khaëòa – Ascertaining the Glories of Çré Goloka.

In the first part of Brihad-bhagavatamrita Sanatana Goswami has described a conversation between Parikshit and his mother, Uttara. It took place after Parikshit heard the Bhagavata Purana from Śuka. Uttara asked her son to explain the essence of Bhagavata Purana, and Parikshit revealed to her the stages of confidential Bhakti. He told her a story about how Narada was looking for greatest devotee of Krishna. The Great Rishi began his search with devotees of Krishna whose Bhakti was mixed with karma and jnana (Brahma and Shiva), then went up to Shanta-rasa (Prahlada), Dasya-rasa (Hanuman), Sakhya-rasa (Arjuna), and finally came to the greatest devotee of Krishna - Uddhava, who always longed to be in Vrindavan, and showed that the highest level of Bhakti is the love of the gopis for Krishna.

