The Breckinridge family is a family of public figures from the United States. The family has included six members of the United States House of Representatives, two United States Senators, a cabinet member, two Ambassadors, a Vice President of United States and an unsuccessful Presidential candidate. Breckinridges have served as college presidents, prominent ministers, soldiers, theologians and in important positions at state and local levels. The family was most notable in the State of Kentucky and most prominent during the 19th century, during nearly one-third of which a member of the family served in the Congress of the United States. Below is a list of members.
NOTE: Peter B. Porter was also uncle of U.S. Senator Augustus S. Porter. Thomas H. Clay was also son of Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives Henry Clay, brother of U.S. Representative James Brown Clay, third cousin of U.S. diplomat Brutus Clay, fourth cousin of U.S. Senator Clement Claiborne Clay, Jr., first cousin twice removed of U.S. Representative Matthew Clay and Kentucky State Senator Green Clay, third cousin once removed of U.S. Senator Clement Comer Clay, and second cousin once removed of Alabama State Senator Matthew Clay, U.S. Representative Brutus J. Clay, and U.S. diplomat Cassius M. Clay.