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Brazilian Dogo

Dogue Brasileiro
Dogue Brasileiro
Other names Dogue Brasileiro
Bull boxer
Brazilian Dogge
Brazilian dogo
Common nicknames Bull boxer
Origin Brazil
Breed status Not recognized as a standardized breed by any major kennel club.
Weight Male 29–43 kg (64–95 lb)
Female 23–39 kg (51–86 lb)
Height Male 54–60 cm (21–24 in)
Female 50–58 cm (20–23 in)
Coat Short or medium, dense, hard and shiny coat
Color Any color or combination; either solid, piebald or tricolor
Life span 13 years
Notes Recognized by the Confederação Brasileira de Cinofilia (Brazilian Kennel Club)
Domestic dog (Canis lupus familiaris)
Weight Male 29–43 kg (64–95 lb)
Female 23–39 kg (51–86 lb)
Height Male 54–60 cm (21–24 in)
Female 50–58 cm (20–23 in)
Coat Short or medium, dense, hard and shiny coat
Color Any color or combination; either solid, piebald or tricolor
Life span 13 years

Brazilian Dogo(Portuguese: Dogue Brasileiro), also called Brazilian Dogge, is a Molosser-type working dog breed originating in Brazil. It is neither recognized by the Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI) nor the American Kennel Club (AKC). However, it has the official national recognition of the Confederação Brasileira de Cinofilia(CBKC) where it belongs to the Group 11 - Breeds not recognized by the FCI (Raça não reconhecida pela FCI).

The original developer of the breed was a Bull Terrier breeder Pedro Pessoa Ribeiro Dantas from Caxias do Sul, Rio Grande do Sul. In 1978, his neighbor asked him to cross one of his Bull Terrier males with the neighbor's female Boxer. However, also Pedro himself liked one of the female puppies born out of the mating and decided to take her. He named her Tigresa after the brindle markings on her coat. As Tigresa grew, she turned out to be a very pleasant and promising individual: she was extremely affectionate, obedient, quick-to-learn, physically balanced, strong, and vigorous. Moreover, she lacked the extreme characteristics typical to the modern Bull Terrier, being much more functional and agile. She was also physically stronger than both an average Bull Terrier and an average Boxer. At the same time she was an excellent guard and very tolerant towards Pedro's Bull Terriers: when they tried to provoke her, she rather eluded the attacks by her better physical agility and balance than by using aggression.

After noticing the great qualities of Tigresa, Pedro started to gather information from other people who had purchased a puppy from the same litter. The response was that the dogs had become physically vigorous and excellent guards, at the same time being very gentle and affective towards their families. Therefore, another mating between a Bull Terrier and a Boxer was made by using different dogs than in the first litter. Because the results turned out to be as positive as in the first litter, a new breeding line was decided to be established and was originally named Bull Boxer (which should not be confused with the English designer breed with the same name based on a Staffordshire Bull Terrier x Boxer cross).

