In Hindu varna division, Brahmakshatriya or Murdhabhishikta are people who have a Brahmin father and a Kshatriya mother; or in the Hindu varna division, Brahmin who pursues royalty, and hence concurrently adopts the Kshatriya varna or those Kshatriya who had adopted Brahmin varna because of Shree Parsuram. According to Manusmriti, such people are treated equal to Brahmins. Parasurama is a classical example of a Brahmakshatriya. In Kerala, only the sons of a Nambuthiri father and a Kshatriya mother were recognized as Brahmakshatriya by the Nambuthiri Brahmins, while the son of a Brahmakshatriya father and a Brahmakshatriya mother was regarded as non-Kshatriya. Nirmal are Gujarati bhraman kshatriya