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Bradwall Hall

Latham of Bradwall is a family whose seat was at Bradwall Hall, in the township of Bradwall, near Sandbach, England, with several notable members. The line is "a junior branch of the ancient Cheshire house of Lathom, of Lathom and Knowsley, which terminated in the heiress, Isabella Latham, who married Sir John Stanley, Knt., ancestor of the Earls of Derby". The family is not thought to be related to John Latham (1740–1837) the ornithologist, although this appears to be uncertain.

John Latham, FRS, M.D. (29 December 1761 – 20 April 1843) was a physician who bought the Bradwall estate. He became President of the Royal College of Physicians, and also updated their Pharmacopoeia.

Latham was the eldest son of the Rev. John Latham, B.A. of Oriel College, Oxford, and was born at Gawsworth in the county of Chester, 29 December 1761, in the house of his great-uncle, the Rev. William Hall, then Rector of that parish. He received his early education at the Grammar School of Manchester, under Charles Lawson, A.M., Head Master, and entered Commoner of Brasenose College, Oxford, in 1778, where, having gone through the previous degrees in Arts, he was created M.B. 3 May 1786, and M.D. 10 October 1788. In London, he completed his medical education under David Pitcairn at St. Bartholomew's Hospital.

He passed the first years of his professional life at Manchester and Oxford, where in both places he was elected physician to the respective infirmaries. In 1788 he returned to London, and the next year was admitted Fellow of the College of Physicians. In a few months he was elected physician to the Middlesex Hospital, afterwards to the Magdalen, and in the year 1792, succeeded David Pitcairn at St. Bartholomew's, about which time he settled in Bedford Row, and remained there until 1808, when he moved to Harley Street. In 1790, he was appointed Physician Extraordinary to the Prince of Wales, and afterwards re-appointed to the same office in the household of George IV.

