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Bordeaux municipal library

Bordeaux municipal library
Bordeaux Biblio 02.jpg
Country France
Website Library website

Bordeaux municipal library is the central library of Bordeaux, situated in the Mériadeck neighbourhood and linked to nine smaller libraries. It has noteworthy collections and rare documents which earn it a French government designation of classée (‘listed’), meaning it is a library of national significance.

There has been a free public library in Bordeaux since 1740, when the collection of an intellectual and cultural society, the Academy of Bordeaux (l'Académie des sciences, belles-lettres et arts de Bordeaux), was merged with the personal library of a benefactor, Jean-Jacques Bel. Bel had been a friend since their schooldays of the philosopher Montesquieu, a key figure in the society. Two years before his death in 1738 he wrote a will leaving his mansion, other property, 3,000 books, manuscripts and scientific instruments to the Academy on condition that its private library would move into the house and be open to all on three days a week. He provided for a professional librarian, and the new arrangements inspired more gentleman-scholars to donate to the library from 1743 onward.

The French Revolution brought upheaval: a three-year closure, books sheltered in a monastery, demands from a revolutionary committee. The library's assets were first confiscated by the state, then assigned to the city in 1803. In that year a municipal library was established in the same mansion that had been home to the Academy library, in the area of today's Allées de Tourny. After the best part of a century, in 1891, the library moved to a new site, a renovated monastery, and stayed there for yet another century until the current glass-faced building in Mériadeck was opened in 1991.

In 1936 the Bordeaux library was selected for a new government classification of bibliothèque municipale classée (ranked or listed municipal library) which applies to local libraries whose collections are considered to have national significance. This gives the French State legal rights and responsibilities with respect to conservation. As of 2016 Bordeaux is one of about 50 libraries with this ranking. Another development in the mid-20th century was the 1943 designation of legal deposit library for Aquitaine.

The current Mériadeck building is one of the biggest public libraries in France with 27,000 square metres of floor space holding more than a million texts. The interior was redesigned over several years from 2004, partly because of the removal of an unusual and ambitious robotic book retrieval system, something more often found in academic research libraries in the USA. It has been suggested this system was part of a "think big" approach requested by the city mayor. The "robot" ended up being slow and expensive to run, using money that might be better spent on other library concerns, particularly acquisition and digital development. Extra floor space was opened up when redesigning so that about 9,000 square metres became accessible to the public, who make more than 700,000 visits a year. The interior is now more inviting, light and spacious, with extra displays and more opportunities for visitors to browse.

