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Bloodstone Pass

Bloodstone Pass
Bloodstone Pass.jpeg
Code H1
TSR Product Code 9122
Rules required AD&D & Battlesystem
Character levels 15+
Campaign setting Generic or
Forgotten Realms
Authors Douglas Niles
Michael Dobson
First published 1985
Linked modules
H1 H2 H3 H4

H1 Bloodstone Pass is an adventure module for the first edition of the Advanced Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) fantasy role-playing game. It was written by Douglas Niles and Michael Dobson and published by TSR, Inc., in 1985. While it contained some traditional D&D elements, the main portion of the module was a series of mass battles using the D&D Battlesystem.

Bloodstone Pass combines a role-playing scenario with Battlesystem combat. In the plot, the player characters are hired to organize the defense of the town of Bloodstone Pass against an army of orcs, goblins, giants. The army also included human renegades led by a powerful assassin.

The module's action focuses on leading the armies rather than having the battle occur in the background while the players adventure to find a MacGuffin.

Bloodstone Pass was originally the working name of what became the first edition of Battlesystem. However, it was felt that the name did not convey the feeling of the system. After the developers had settled on the name Battlesystem, they used the "Bloodstone Pass" name for the first Battlesystem game accessory.

Bloodstone Pass was written by Douglas Niles and Michael Dobson and published by TSR, Inc., in 1985 as a boxed set. The set included a 32-page scenario booklet, a 24-page unit roster, a model-building instruction booklet, 12 cardstock building sheets for constructing a fold-together cardboard village and miniature figures, and 104 cardboard counters. Cover art was by Jeff Easley.

