Blackstone, Master Magician was a 1946 American comic book series, created by Afro-American comics artist Elmer Cecil Stoner. Despite a short run it did inspire a popular radio detective drama series from 1948 until 1950.
The first issue of Blackstone, Master Magician was published in March-April 1946 with art work by Elmer Cecil Stoner and text by Walter B. Gibson. It was published by Vital Publications and featured the adventures of a magician, Blackstone, who also investigates crime mysteries. His name and visual appearance were based on real-life magician Harry Blackstone, Sr..
The comic only lasted three issues.
Between October 1948 and March 1950 the series was adapted for radio, starring Ed Jerome as the titular character and Fran Carlon as his assistant, Rhoda Brent.