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Beylik of Teke

Tekeoğulları dynasty

Flag of Tekke according to the Catalan Atlas.

Map of the Anatolian beyliks (Turkish)
Capital Antalya
Languages Anatolian Turkish
Religion Sunni Islam
Government Monarchy
 •  1321-? Yunus Bey
 •  ?-1391 & 1402-1423 Osman Çelebi
Historical era Late Medieval
 •  Established 1321
 •  Disestablished 1423
Preceded by
Succeeded by
Sultanate of Rum
Ottoman State
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Flag of Tekke according to the Catalan Atlas.

The Anatolian beylik of Teke (1321-1423), with its capital at Antalya, was one of the frontier principalities established by Oghuz Turkish clans after the decline of the Seljuk Sultanate of Rûm.

The Teke dynasty started with a split of territories between two brothers of the neighboring Beylik of Hamidid dynasty. Yunus Bey became the first ruler of the beylik. The inhabitants spoke Anatolian Turkish

The Turkish province of Antalya was named the sub-province (sanjak) of Teke until the early years of the Republic of Turkey. The peninsula west of Antalya is called Teke Peninsula.

