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Bet ha-midrash

A beth midrash (Hebrew: בית מדרש‬, or beis medrash, beit midrash, pl. batei midrash "House of Learning") is a Jewish study hall located in a synagogue, yeshiva, kollel or other building. It is distinct from a synagogue, although many synagogues are also used as batei midrash and vice versa.

"Beis midrash" is also the name of the undergraduate-level program in Orthodox yeshivas in the United States, for boys over 12th grade.

The Arabic term "Madrasah" is derived from the same Semitic root and refers to any type of educational institution.

Early rabbinic literature, including the Mishnah, makes mention of the beth midrash as an institution distinct from the beth din and Sandhedrin. It was meant as a place of Torah study and interpretation, as well as the development of halakha (the practical application of the Jewish Law).

The origin of the beth midrash, or house of study, can be traced to the early rabbinic period, following the Siege of Jerusalem (70 C.E.) in which the destruction of the Temple took place. The earliest known rabbinical school was established by Rabbi Yochanan ben Zakkai at Yavneh. Other official schools were soon established under different rabbis. These men traced their ideological roots back to the Pharisees of the late Second Temple Period, specifically the Houses of Hillel and Shammai, two "schools" of thought.

