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Bernardo Tolomei

Bernardo Tolomei
Cesare gennari il beato bernardo tolomei by Stefano Bolognini.JPG
"Blessed Bernardo Tolomei" - Stefano Bolognini
Born 10 May 1272
Siena, Tuscany, Republic of Siena
Died 20 August 1348(1348-08-20) (aged 76)
Siena, Tuscany, Republic of Siena
Venerated in Roman Catholic Church
Beatified 24 November 1644, Saint Peter's Basilica, Papal States by Pope Innocent X
Canonized 26 April 2009, Saint Peter's Square, Vatican City by Pope Benedict XVI
  • 19 August (Benedictines)
  • 20 August
Attributes Benedictine habit
Patronage Congregation of the Blessed Virgin of Monte Oliveto

Saint Bernardo Tolomei (10 May 1272 – 20 August 1348) was an Italian Roman Catholic theologian and the founder of the Congregation of the Blessed Virgin of Monte Oliveto. In the Roman Martyrology he is commemorated on August 20, but in the Benedictine calendar his optional memorial is celebrated on the previous day.

Bernardo Tolomei was beatified by Pope Innocent X on 24 November 1644 and was canonized by Pope Benedict XVI on 26 April 2009.

Giovanni Tolomei was born at Siena in Tuscany on the May 10, 1272. He was educated by his uncle, Christopher Tolomeo, a Dominican, and desired to enter the religious life, but his father's opposition prevented him from doing so, and he continued his studies in secular surroundings. After a course in philosophy and mathematics he devoted himself to the study of civil and canon law, and of theology. For a time Bernardo served as a knight in the armies of Rudolph I of Germany. While studying law in Siena, he became a member of the Confraternity of the Disciplinati di Santa Maria della Notte dedicated to aiding the sick at the Hospital della Scala.

In 1313, Giovanni, together with two companions, Patrizio di Francesco Patrizi and Ambrogio di Nino Piccolomini, noble Sienese merchants and members of the same Confraternity, retired to Accona on a property belonging to his family. He had taken the name of "Bernard" (in its Italian form Bernardo) out of admiration for the Abbot of Clairvaux. Here they lived a hermitic penitential life characterised by prayer, manual work and silence.

Towards the end of 1318, or the beginning of 1319, while deep in prayer, he is said to have seen a ladder on which monks in white habits ascended, helped by angels, and awaited by Jesus and Mary.

Upon his return he founded the congregation of the Blessed Virgin of Monte Oliveto (the Olivetans), giving it the Rule of St. Benedict. The purpose of the new religious institute was a special devotion to the Blessed Virgin. Guido, Bishop of Arezzo, within whose diocese the congregation was formed, confirmed its constitution in (1319), and many favours were granted by Popes John XXII, Clement VI (1344), and Gregory XI. Since the Benedictine rule did not prescribe the colour of monastic dress, the Olivetans wore white habits.

