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Bernardo Kliksberg

Bernardo Kliksberg
Bernardo Kliksberg UN.jpg
Father of Social Management.

Pioneer of Ethics for development and Business Social Responsibility

UN Special Advisor, Member of the Steering Committee of the Highl Level Panel of Expets on Food Security and Nutrition (HLPE), International Consultant
Born 1940 (age 76–77)
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Nationality Argentinian
Field Economist

Pioneer of Ethics for development and Business Social Responsibility

Bernardo Kliksberg (Buenos Aires, 1940) is an Argentine Doctor of Economics, recognized around the world as the founder of a new discipline, social management, and a pioneer of development ethics, social capital and corporate social responsibility. His books, papers, advisory work, and research, applies an interdisciplinary approach integrating contributions of different social sciences.

He is considered a "World authority on poverty issues" (Pagina/12, Argentina, 29/12/13), "A world guru in corporate social responsibility" (Cinco Días, Spain, 12/11/12), "one of the chief experts in the world in the fight against poverty" (Buenos Aires Económico, October 27, 2010), a "corporate social responsibility global guru" (La Prensa, Panama, November 9, 2010), and "a tireless champion of ethics and economic and social inequality reduction" (Valor, Brazil May 27, 2010).

Kliksberg is the author of 56 books and hundreds of works on critical areas of development, corporate social responsibility, senior management, social capital, the fight against poverty, ethics and economics. He has been invited by Governments, corporation, civil society organizations and Universities around the world to give thousands of lectures on his ideas. Invited by China he lectures there in December 2012. One of his recent books was published in Mandarin. He gave the Braibant Honor lecture at the International Congress on Administrative Sciences (IIAS, Mexico, June 20, 2012).

He has been awarded dozens of honorary doctorate by universities in multiple countries. Among them the Jerusalem Hebrew University (June 2012), King Juan Carlos University of Spain, San Marcos University of Peru, Buenos Aires University, Nueva Leon University of Mexico, the Catholic University of Salta (UCASAL) and the University of Costa Rica. He was awarded the University of Buenos Aires' Gold Medal, and the Diploma of Honor twice. The Buenos Aires University, the Catholic University of Salta and the National University Jose C.Paz established the Bernardo Kliksberg Chair.

