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Bent Grass

Gewoon struisgras Agrostis tenuis.jpg
Agrostis capillaris
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
(unranked): Angiosperms
(unranked): Monocots
(unranked): Commelinids
Order: Poales
Family: Poaceae
Genus: Agrostis
Type species
Agrostis canina
  • Vilfa Adans.
  • Trichodium Michx.
  • Decandolia T.Bastard
  • Agraulus P.Beauv.
  • Notonema Raf.
  • Candollea Steud.
  • Bromidium Nees & Meyen
  • Anomalotis Steud.
  • Didymochaeta Steud.
  • Agrestis Bubani
  • Podagrostis (Griseb.) Scribn. & Merr.
  • Pentatherum Nábelek
  • Senisetum Honda
  • Neoschischkinia Tzvelev
  • Linkagrostis Romero García, Blanca & C.Morales

Agrostis (bent or bentgrass) is a large and very nearly cosmopolitan genus of plants in the grass family, found in nearly all the countries in the world. It has been bred as a GMO creeping bent grass.

Hundreds of species were listed in the Agrostis genus, but are now considered better suited to other genera: Achnatherum, Aira, Alloteropsis, Apera, Arundinella, Calamagrostis, Chaetopogon, Chionochloa, Chloris, Cinna, Colpodium, Crypsis, Cynodon, Deschampsia, Dichelachne, Digitaria, Eremochloa, Eriochloa, Eustachys, Gastridium, Graphephorum, Gymnopogon, Lachnagrostis, , Muhlenbergia, Pentameris, Phippsia, Piptatherum, Poa, Polypogon, Puccinellia, Reimarochloa, Relchela, Schismus, Sporobolus and Zingeria.

