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Battle of Verona (249)

Battle of Verona (249)
Part of the civil war between Decius and Phillip
Date 249
Location Verona, Italy
Result Decius victory, death of emperor Philip, Decius becomes Roman Emperor
Decius's army Philip's army
Commanders and leaders
Herennius Etruscus
Philip the Arab 
4-6 legions + cohorts
2-3 legions + Praetorian guard
Casualties and losses
Unknown Unknown

The Battle of Verona was fought between the Roman general and usurper Decius, and Roman Emperor Philip the Arab in 249. Decius was victorious, and Philip was killed. Decius then became Roman Emperor.

Gothic tribes had attacked the Roman province of Moesia, on the frontier of the Danube River. The Roman troops there, led by Roman general Marinus Pacatianus held the Goths back and for the time being, secured the Roman defense of Moesia. In 248, the Pacatianus' troops proclaimed him emperor. This made Pacatianus a usurper. Roman emperor Philip the Arab sent his trusted friend and general, Decius to Moesia to put down the rebellion. Decius brought his son Herennius Etruscus with him. However, before Decius arrived, Pactianus's troops mutinied and assassinated their commander. When Decius arrived, he and Herennius attempted to restore order to the orphan army. The troops were tired of taking orders from a distant emperor. They proclaimed Decius emperor. Decius and his army then marched to Italy. Phillip, with only two reserve legions, marched to meet Decius in battle.

The two armies met in battle near Verona, Italy, in a bloody and brutal battle. Decius outnumbered Philip heavily.

6th century Byzantine writer Zosimus recorded the day:

"The supporters of Decius, though they knew the enemy had the imperial forces, still retained their confidence in Decius, trusting his great skill and prudence"

Not many details of the battle are known, but Decius had better quality troops then Philip. Philip did not have much of a chance of victory. Emperor Philip himself was killed brutally by Decius. Philip's army was defeated. Decius had won a very easy victory.

Decius entered Rome and was received by the Senate. Decius was hailed as emperor by the Senate.

