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Bastard Bunny

Dave Anderson (born 1963 in Coventry) is a British writer and creator of cartoons and animations including Bastard Bunny and the BAFTA nominated animation shorts, The Terribles. He is a founder and director of London-based animation production company 12Foot6, whose credits include animating the first series of Modern Toss for UK TV's Channel 4.

After graduating from Durham University in 1985, Anderson lived briefly in Charlotte, North Carolina where he shared a house with Danna Pentes, bass player in the then up-and-coming band Fetchin Bones. Returning to the UK he worked in advertising while making ventures into cartoon writing. In 1990 Bastard Bunny appeared in his own comic. Described as "the coolest, drug-snorting, violent, club-going, psychotic rabbit in the world", Bastard Bunny became a cult icon of the early 1990s London club scene. Bastard Bunny's stylishly simple initial incarnation was drawn by Jiouxliegh Jacobs but by 1992, Anderson's new collaborator Martyn Smith had given the weed-loving GBH-rabbit a more fieresome visual persona. It was the latter incarnation which became an ever more common sight on T-shirts and 'lop ear hats' at the Sabresonic Club. At this time Bastard Bunny "became aligned" with Andy Weatherall's Sabres of Paradise label.Bastard Bunny later appeared in Deadline magazine (along with Tank Girl co-created by Gorillaz artist Jamie Hewlett) and, from 1994, in the New Musical Express. The collected Bastard Bunny collection was published by Virgin Books in 1998 as Don't You Know Who I am?! – The Collected Works. Bastard Bunny reappeared in 2013 after some "enforced gardening leave" in a new, heavyweight on-line persona using the strap-line "He's Fat, He's Forty and He Ain't Happy".

