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Bartosz Paprocki

Bartosz Paprocki (also Bartholomeus Paprocky or Bartholomew Paprocki, Polish: Bartłomiej (Bartosz) Paprocki, Czech: Bartoloměj Paprocký z Hlahol a Paprocké Vůle; ca. 1540/43 in Paprocka Wola near Sierpc – 27 December 1614 in Lviv, Poland, today Ukraine) was a Polish and Czech writer, historiographer, translator, poet, heraldist and pioneer in Polish and Bohemian-Czech genealogy (often referred to as the "father of Polish and Bohemian-Czech heraldry"). He was active in Poland, and at the turn of the sixteenth and seventeenth century in Moravia and Bohemia. He is also founder of the Polish village of Bartoszowiny.

Paprocki was born in the parish of Paprocka Wola near Sierpc, Poland. He was the son of Jędrzej Paprocki and Elżbiety (Elżbieta) Jeżewska. Born into a noble family, Paprocki's family were members of the Polish nobility, who bore the Jastrzębiec Polish coat of arms. Paprocki studied at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow, then stayed with wealthy relatives, among others. He began writing poems and soon after dedicated himself to historiography and heraldry. His works devoted to the Polish nobility "Gniazdo cnoty" (1578) and "Herby rycerstwa polskiego" (1584) deepened and contributed to consolidating the knowledge of the genealogy of Polish noble families. In 1584, Bolesław I the Brave was first mentioned in a book, by Paprocki.

